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Mathematics, rightly viewed, posses not only truth, but supreme beauty..."

Bertrand Russell

The Mathematics division of the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Department strives daily to provide a strong foundation in one of education's core competencies. Mathematics is not only a cornerstone of our society's development, innovation, and genius, but imperative for cultivating your child's logical mind and problem-solving ability.

The NSC Vision for Mathematics Teaching and Learning

The NSC vision for the teaching and learning of mathematics is shaped by the National Council for Teachers of Math (NCTM 2000). We emphasize mathematical reasoning, problem-solving, and communication. We want students to experience mathematics as a creative, sense-making venture in which they grapple with challenging problems both individually and collaboratively. The development of number sense and insight into the many patterns and relationships that lead to computations and symbolic fluency are essential for effective problem solving. Computational fluency includes accuracy, efficiency, and mathematical power for all students. Mathematical power is defined as: an individual’s ability to explore, conjecture, and reason logically, as well as the ability to use a variety of mathematical methods effectively to solve non-routine problems (NCTM, 1989).

The Normandy Schools Collaborative mathematic classrooms are environments focused on worthwhile problematic tasks and meaningful discourse among learners in small and large groups.

We are in the learning business, and ultimately what matters most in classrooms is what is going on in the minds of our students relative to the mathematics at hand. 


The mission for mathematics is to implement a balanced instructional program that provides ALL students with the opportunities, experiences, and resources to be successful. The expectation is that ALL students will become proficient in basic computational and procedural skills, develop conceptual understanding, and become adept problem solvers. The goals of the mathematics program are twofold:

  • To implement a coherent, district-wide content and standards-driven mathematics plan.
  • To provide instructional and professional support to school sites, so that ALL students will achieve proficiency in Algebra 1 and more advanced mathematics courses

These goals are supported strategically through four program components:

  1. The development and use of grade-specific instructional units
  2. The use of teacher experts, school-site instructional coaches, and district leadership to guide professional development.
  3. The use and analysis of formative periodic assessments.
  4. The use of assessment data to focus and implement immediate intervention where students most need help. 

Dr. Taresa Wright-Fraser, Director of Mathematics


Missouri Learning Standards

Missouri Learning Standards - Item Specifications (Kindergarten-Geometry)

Assessment Updates from Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)

Early Childhood Math Resources

Bedtime Math is a tool for parents to make math part of their children's bedtime rituals. It posts new math problems daily on its site, along with an answer key for parents. Please click below to access Bedtime Math: 


Kindergarten Math Resources

Elementary Resources 

Normandy 7th-8th Center Resources

Normandy High School Resources

Mathematics Intervention Resources